We're direct-care nurses who face the same things you face - hospitals that care more about profits than patients. Like you, we're strong union nurses who stand against greed every day. We defend and fight for safe staffing ratios nationwide, demand health and safety protections for nurses and patients, and recognize patient advocacy as the core of our work. We are committed union members who know when we stand in solidarity, WE WIN!
Use the state voter guides to elect and re-elect candidates who are all direct-care nurses committed to the Nurse Solidarity Action vision of continuing to build national nurse power - nurse to patient ratios - workplace rights - health and safety - defending our right to advocate for our patients - expand member education, engagement and activism.
Our slate is made up of long-time activists and elected leaders who have been in the trenches fighting alongside nurses across the country.
The Nurse Solidarity Action slate responds to nurses' needs because we understand what it's like to work tirelessly for our patients.
The direct-care nurse leadership of NNU has achieved so much in the last three years alone. Nurse Solidarity Action Slate will continue to fight for the long-term goals and vision of our union.
Visit the NNU website to read about our union's incredible nurse victories of the past three years.
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